

Environmental-friendly Spray-coated running track

Widely-used track

Spray-coated running track, the permeable running track, has good permeability to air and water. The primer of Shenghong Outlets Spray-Coated Running Track is constructed by solvent-free adhesive blended with elastic EPDM rubber granules. The surface is constructed by EPDM rubber granules and polyurethane slurry through spraying. This technique is mature. The surface has many advantages, such as good weather ability, age resistance and high performance-price ratio. The physical and chemical properties of Spray-Coated Running Track meet new national standard and the criteria of provinces and cities.


Product Description

- Application scope

Competitions, teaching, parks, communities and venues in universities, middle schools and primary schools.

- Specialities

? good permeability to air and water, high utilization;
? good permeability to air and water, high utilization;
?good permeability to air and water, high utilization;
?cost-effective, easy to construct, low-carbon and environmental friendly

- 標準面層選色如下,其它顏色可定制

Product Structure

Contact Details
  • 4008-098-298
  • Address:廣州市番禺區番禺大道北555號天安總部中心14號樓1011室
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